Custom Organized Wiring
Midcon Design Engineers support unique Customer requirements developing special custom products utilizing the best suited materials to meet the defined performance requirements. Whether your needs include special molded cross-sections; cellular jacketing; special tool controlled features or something else; we have the experience to develop the most cost-effective solution for your application working E2E sharing critical design details.
Custom Organized Wiring
- High circuit density
- Controlled circuit locations
- Custom profile molded shapes
- Integrated special features for installation
- Special routing transitions & shapes
- EMI shielding & other special environmental considerations
Custom organized wiring offers a variety of advantages.
- Designed to meet your requirements without compromise
- Key characteristics defined and monitored for process control
- Repeatable process for close tolerance fit requirements
- Design considerations include Customer’s ease of installation and maintenance
- Custom connectors or terminations / connections
- Fully tested—turnkey product
To request more information about MIDCON Custom Organized Wiring, please contact an engineer using this form.